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Relationships are complex, and sometimes couples drift apart without a specific reason. Sometimes, a challenging life ev...
Attorneys are legal professionals licensed to practice law. Attorneys and judges must work within the guidelines that go...
There are limited statistics on how many blended families exist in the United States. The divorce rate of 60% is consist...
These ten tips might be helpful when making co-parenting decisions that affect their children.  ...
Parents share childrearing responsibilities when they live together. If one parent works late, the other picks children ...
Co-parenting describes a parental relationship whereby parents raise their children together but apart. Effective co-par...
Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) and mediation are “Alternative Dispute Resolution” processes designed to resolve conflict...
Every child is entitled to financial support from their parents, which is the basic principle of child support. A child ...
Two alternatives for dispute resolution are available to help parents resolve divorce or parenting issues: Mediation or ...