Mediation And Divorce
Divorce ends a love relationship. It is an emotional and difficult transition. Spouses begin to live apart from one another. Mediation can help you avoid making emotionally based decisions on important issues. Mediation will keep you focused on an outcome that meets the needs of spouses and children.
Divorce involves business and legal transactions that are finalized through the court system. Laws govern many areas of divorce, parenting time, and child support. Both parties have the right to a reasonable standard of living, but that may not mean an equal standard. Mediation will help you make decisions, but the parties remain in control of their decisions.
Separation and divorce transitions a family when children are involved, but it does not end a family. It is important to make transitions placing the needs of children at the highest priority. Divorce is never easy, and tough decisions must be made by you. However, divorce need not destroy you or your children. The combination of mediation and education is very effective in helping spouses and parents make decisions right for them and their children.
Parent education programs are not all the same. Impact Parent Education gives insights from parents that successfully mediated their divorce and resolved custody and parenting time conflicts through our service to parents as a mediator for over 20 years. Finding solutions through mediation is effective in preventing long-term and future conflict over children.
Registering for the Impact Parent Education program is the first step to learning how to resolve conflict. Mediation and education play a vital role in helping parents make healthy and peaceful family transitions for them and their children.
Mediation has proven to bring satisfying results at a fraction of the cost of litigation. Fees for mediation vary between providers. Attorney mediators charge their regular attorney based hourly fees, while non-attorney mediators might have more flexibility. Attorney mediators will charge for phone calls, emails, and drafting in time increments. Non-attorney mediators might be more generous with their time.
Do your research and make some phone calls. Be sure that you choose a mediator trained and experienced. Avoid volunteer mediators unless you are provided with the background, training, and experience of the volunteer. Write down your questions before making those calls.
Mediation provides an affordable, confidential, and effective alternative to litigation. Mediation before litigation will save you stress, time, and money. Mediation helps ensure that all necessary issues for divorce are discussed and child-related decisions are made. It puts decision-making powers into the hands of the parties and not in the hands of others.
Mediation combined with parent education is the best assurance that children are minimally affected by the divorce or separation. Children are resilient unless they are caught in the middle of parental battles. Mediation and the Impact Parent Education program can play a substantial role in preventing parents from exposing children to unnecessary long-term parental conflict.
Attorneys and Mediation
Retaining attorneys too soon can increase defenses between parents. Take some time in making decisions on how to proceed and carefully weigh out alternatives and cost.
Entering mediation first might be a wise choice depending upon your circumstances. Mediation is not a substitute for legal advice. If you have legal questions, you should consult an attorney. You can pay the attorney by the hour rather than pay an expensive retainer fee. If mediation is not successful, then make a decision whether to retain an attorney.
If your divorce involves large assets, complicated real estate transactions, or the division of a pension, hiring an attorney might be necessary. The mediator will ask you questions and will offer suggestions.
If you retain an attorney, you can request that the attorney be present during mediation. However, the other party may also make that request. Attorneys present in mediation can be helpful, but it greatly increases the costs.